Mardi 26 juillet 2011

whet is Louis Vuitton Bags

Louie Vuitton Bags or Louis Vuitton Bags - Real, Replica or Fake Purses

Louis Vuitton, sometimes erroneously known as Louie Vuitton, is a large design company founded by a famous designer from France of the same name. He specialized in designing expensive luggage, handbags and purses. The company, now known as Luis Vuitton Moet Hennessey, or LVMH, is still revered for the high quality and top style of their products. These fine high end products are produced by expert craftsmen. Additionally, these bags are made from only the highest quality materials. Original Louis Vuitton products, as opposed to the fake Louie Vuitton bags, come in a variety of styles and colors., all of them elegant and many unique. These bags are in high demand, and can be seen worn by celebrities from, Hollywood, to London, to New York. And you can always find them on the covers of fashion and gossip magazines.

As Louis Vuitton luggage, bags, and purses became more popular, less scrupulous people began to produce copies of these high fashion accessories. Even though the original Luis Vuitton products have been available worldwide for several years, the fake Louie Vuitton bags, have been appearing in new sales venues for the past several years. The Louie Vuitton bags originally began appearing in third world countries in many different parts of the world. Shoppers could now purchase these replicas, at much lower prices than the originals. These fake Louie Vuitton bags can give the everyday person the same look as the hot shot movie stars for a fraction of the price. Eventually, the fake Louie Vuitton bags finally appeared on the shores of the USA.

Louis Vuitton or Louie Vuitton Bags - Counterfeits Are Illegal

The fake Louie Vuitton bags are by definition, unauthorized copies of the real Louis Vuitton products. In the United States, there are intellectual property laws which protect designers and other people who create unique items. The people who make the fake Louie Vuitton bags take great care to copy the originals down to the smallest detail. For most shoppers, it is very difficult to tell the difference between the real bags and the fakes. Unfortunately, many shoppers pay extremely large amounts of money for fake Louie Vuitton bags when they believed they were getting the real thing made by Louis Vuitton. This has led to much investigation and litigation in the United States.

Many shoppers though buy the fake Louie Vuitton bags knowing full well that they are not the real thing. Many people do not care one iota, all they want is the attention and status that comes with a Louis Vuitton. They are true status seekers, who either don't care weather they are getting the real thing, or can't afford it. They just want to look like their favorite celebrity. These fake Louie Vuitton bags, have cost LVMH millions of dollars in lost sales over the past several years. Currently they have fully staffed departments devoted to finding, and eliminating the fake Louie Vuitton bags. They work very closely with everyone from eBay to local law enforcement agencies to hinder the sale of these copycat items.

Par ziqiang1 - 0 commentaire(s)le 26 juillet 2011

Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags

For those people who are pursuing ultimate fashion, Louis Vuitton handbags could be second to none alternatives. However, only a few people with positive income are able to buy the real ones. While replica LV handbags are especially crafted for those who are looking for authentic LV with limited budget.

Replica LV handbags are the exact copies of the genuine ones. They are exclusive as the original. Every details like the stitching, logo, hardware and signature lining is cautiously mirrored those branded one. Different from the fake handbags which are made of interior materials; the replicas are crafted from high quality material instead.

There are various kinds of replica handbags of different qualities in the market. The good ones look more approximate to the genuine and cost more than those of poor qualities. Some of them also deserve high prices because they require much time and effort to finish. They are really ideal options for those people unaffordable for the real LV.

Replica LV handbags make your dream of owning luxury become true. You just need to a small amount of money then you get the chance to experience designer handbags. You are in a position to buy a quality replica handbag by $100-$500. Compared to that genuine deserving about $3,000, it is much cheaper and meanwhile valuable.

If I have to buy one for myself, I would choose the replica LV handbag rather then the real since it is with the same fashion but cost less. Replica handbags are perfect substitutes of the authentic articles, and grasp many envious sights of others.

Par ziqiang1 - 0 commentaire(s)le 26 juillet 2011

the Show With Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton handbags are warmly welcomed by those fashionistas who have ever been to France. As one of the most popular luxurious goods in the world, they have become a symbol of fashion in Paris.

The business scope of Louis Vuitton covers a lot, including handbags, clothes, wallets, scarves, watches and other fashionable accessories. They are all well received for the splendid qualities and top craftsmanship. Among all its accessories, Louis Vuitton is especially famous for fine handbags which come out in various styles. With a great reputation, what it represents speaks a lot in the fashion circle. After a long evolution, they have established their dominant status in the accessory market.

We can not deny that chic handbags are a must for women in modern society. The quality material, shining hardware and exquisite handwork are decisive for their popularity. If these handbags are produced in limited edition, women's love towards it might become more fierce.

Compared to the handbags made of other materials, people are more willing to buy the leather styles since they are so shining, magnificent and eye-catching. Those with smooth leather exterior without any other decoration are suitable to be carried in formal occasions. Another reason for people to buy the leather styles is because leather prices are higher than other materials. It can say more about the financial status of the owner. Some kind in limited edition could ultimately express one's magnificence. Though sold at very high price, it is worthy of buying for the splendid design, long-lasting use, and property for any outfit. What are you still waiting for? Start searching online and buy a quality Louis Vuitton handbag for yourself from now on!

Par ziqiang1 - 0 commentaire(s)le 26 juillet 2011
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